CHAN 2020 : CAF Lauds Cameroon’s Organisation

Encourgaing remarks were made by members of the Technical Study Group during a roundtable organised February 5, 2021 in Yaounde.

The Confederation of African Football (CAF) is amazed with Cameroon’s organisation of the just-ended African Nations Championship (CHAN) both infrastructure and health wise.  The encouraging comments were made by the football governing body’s Technical Study Group (TSG) and African football legends during a roundtable organised February 5, 2021. The exchanges were led by CAF Deputy General Secretary (DGS) in charge of football development, Anthony Baffoe
According to the CAF official, the tournament took place in the best conditions, especially health wise in these times of Covid-19. He went on to note that “I am proud to be in the heart of Africa for this Total African Nations Championship seeing world-class stadiums and infrastructures…”. Perhaps overwhelmed with Cameroon’s organisation, the CAF DGS further opined that Cameroon is on the right track to host the 2022 Africa Cup of Nations. Nonetheless, he suggested that alterations are indispensable for the success of this continental jamboree. Khalilou Fadiga, member of the CAF Technical Study Group as well lauded Cameroon’s steadfastness in the organisation of the CHAN in these diffi...



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