Inviolable Pact

Activities to mark the advent of the Unitary State in Cameroon have over the years taken place with nothing serious to worry about. Citizens went out for march past in their administrative units, attended gala receptions, schools organised cultural manifestations with fanfare and other festive events with the country sounding off as a haven of peace in a turbulent African continent.

Progressively, the extremist Boko Haram sect unleased terror on the population in parts of the Far North Region. Then upheavals in the Central African Republic reared their ugly head causing influx of refugees into the East Region of the country and the attendant security challenges. Out of the blues, claims by teachers’ trade unions about the subverting of the English educational sub-system and Common Law Lawyers transformed into separatist agenda in the North West and South West Regions in late 2016. Added to the internal and external security threats, Cameroon like the rest of the world woke up in 2020 to the Covid-19 health crisis that totally changed the normal lifestyle of everybody, with physical and social distancing, regular washing of hands and wearing of face masks in public as part of the new normal. This cocktail of odd events not only forced the Head of State to order the cancellation of the usual march-past and other activities around the 48th and 49th National Day celebrations, but obliged Cameroonians to reflect over their sense of nationhood.

It is clearer now, more than ever before, that the building blocks and cement required to ensure a strong sense of belonging to Cameroon cannot be taken for granted. A country is made up of a population, a territory and the legal system that exists therein. Whatever differences that occur within such a setup have to be handled according to the existing legal frameworks agreed by the people. Attempts to trifle with any of the principles that govern the life of the nation cannot be allowed to prosper. It the- refore means that the collective desire by the people to form an entity called country cannot be overlooked at any one time. For the past four years, the synergy that Cameroonians have built against the negative forces bedevilling peace, security and health in the country has been unparalleled. Several steps have been taken at each time by the President of the Republic, to the approval of many, so that the ship of State should remain on track in spite of the hurdles. The Major National Dialogue from 30 September to 4 October 2019, the setting up of the National Disarmament, Demo...



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