For almost five years today, peace-loving Cameroonians that lived happily and their children occupied classrooms to learn are today threatened by kidnappings, destruction of homes, and brutal elimination of compatriots, including children, priests and the elderly.  Biblical scholars can term this one of the signs of the end of times. But what is even more painful about this ugly scenario, indeed, an unpleasant surprise is the sadistic trend that has suddenly robbed us of what makes life worth living.
The nightmare of Kumba, where 7 innocent pupils in a classroom were murdered, and many innocent Cameroonians that have lost their lives as a result of this armed conflict triggered by separatists, are misdeeds that greatly tarnish the image of our country. This trend must end.
Furthermore, what a surprise that despite the efforts so far made by the Cameroon government, religious groups, committed peace-loving women, including widows and some humanitarian organisations, the ugly scenario seems to attain a calamitous state! Worse, it may be difficult, if not impossible to redress the trend if we opt for selfish politicking instead of patriotic commitment to national objectives. Separatists must with deep reflection ask themselves what liberation they are fighting for by destroying what has already been invested and undermining the very elements on which the foundation of progress has been laid amid challenges.
For instance, does the kidnapping and demand for ransoms portray a rational quest for liberation of the marginalized? Is it God fearing to demand that a ransom of cfa 20 million be paid to release a kidnapped man of God? The questions are many, and indeed traumatizing to pacifists and the patriotic.
We appreciate what some organisations, and friendly nations have already done, but expect a lot more.
For, we cannot continue to see our civil servants, contract workers, the cler...



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