Making and Keeping Peace

After his peace and evaluation mission to the South West, Prime Minister / Head of Government, Dr. Dion Ngute is this week in Bamenda, capital of the North West Region in continuation of his sustained craving for peace in these conflict stricken regions.
This conflict which was triggered by a strike action of lawyers and educationists has attained an ugly scenario, that authenticates a German writer, Arthur Schopenhauers, who in his book “On the Suffering World” (1788-1860) declares that “human life must be some kind of mistake”.
He attributes this to the fact that man has failed to understand that life presents itself first and foremost as a task to maintain itself through the accomplishment of peace without which we are not better than animals in bushes. Human beings with no concern for peace, tolerance and harmony make life not worth living. In this light, a right – thinking Cameroonian aware of what our country has lost since 2016 would not consider, Prime Minister Dion Ngute’s visit to the South West and North West Regions politically ostentatious. For, he is out to evaluate what efforts have been made towards the reinstatement of peace, following the National Major Dialogue of 2019. “I have come in peace for peace” is the pacifist trend, the Prime Minister, like any patriotic Cameroonian cherishes, and sacrifices for it. But how many of us are prepared to cooperate genuinely to see that this conflict that has robbed us of the pride of Africa’s icon of peace is stalled? By meeting with delegations from various administrative units of the Region, the Prime Minister demonstrates his concern for ways of combatting an ordeal, that stalls our efforts for progress! How concerned are we, his compatriots in the efforts to end this armed conflict?
Are those in the bushes fighting for separation aware of the truth that Cameroon, a former German colony found itself in a geopolitical division when colonists ignored the rights of the colonized? Must we during this post-independence era continue to ignore the truth that our political maturity, is ...



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