CERAC Flags Off 2017 Activities

The launch and the installation of the new executive bureau took place in Yaounde yesterday.


The Circle of Friends of Cameroon (CERAC) can now pursue her 2017 Plan of Action in earnest. The humanitarian association created by Cameroon’s First Lady, Mrs Chantal Biya yesterday January 12, 2017 officially flagged off this year’s activities and installed a new executive bureau to pilot the affairs with efficiency. The new bureau was appointed by the Founding President of the association, Mrs Chantal Biya on December 16, 2016 during the 24th General Assembly of the charitable association.


CERAC’s General Coordinator, Mrs Linda Yang while presiding at the installation ceremony yesterday urged the new team to be duty-conscious and strive for excellence so as to continually project the association to the limelight. She congratulated the new team on behalf of the First Lady and prayed for teamwork for collective success. Those commissioned included, the cabinet of CERAC’s founding president, Vice presidents, the general coordinator and assistants, honorary members, the secretary general and assistants, treasurer, auditors, Committee presidents, coordinators of various administra...



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