Creation of a Department of French Modern Letters in the Higher Teachers’ Training College (HTTC) of the University of Bamenda

Order N°17/00090/MINESUP of 08 February 2017


The Minister of Higher Education, orders as follows:
Section one : In application of decree N°2011/045 of March 8, 2011 cited above, a “Department of French Modern Letters” has been created in the Higher Teachers’ Training College of the University of Bamenda.
Section 2 : The above mentioned department can be subdivided into as many units and laboratories in respect of existing specializations on the proposal of the Vice-Chancellor after the opinion of the  Board.
Section 3 : The Department of French Modern Letters of the Higher Teachers’ Training College of the University of Bamenda is subject to the general provisions of Laws and Decrees governing establishments of the University of Bamenda;
Section 4 : The scheme of studies, examinations and training programs of the department of French Modern Letters of the Higher Teachers’ Training College of the University of Bamenda is that of t...



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