At a time when our global village in general and African nations in particular, are threatened by terrorists, climate change, socio-economic protectionism, poverty, health challenges, and authoritarian governance, peace-loving nations with concern for redress of the trends cannot afford to sit on the fence. 
Developed nations, especially African nations’ cooperation, partners have since the independence of these nations, shown some concern for the redress of disturbing trends. 
Fortunately, in the face of the ever worsening trends despite some impressive slogans: Health for All by the year 2000, UN Development Goals, New International Communication Order and Effective Globalisation, genuine cooperation partners are out to alter the trends. 
When the first edition of the US-Africa Leaders’ Summit met in Washington DC in August 2014 to delve into crucial issues concerning African nations, some observers thought that the venture would be laid to rest when Barack Obama, the first African American president leaves the White House. They were mistaken. Not up to a decade after that eventful first edition of the US-Africa Leaders’ Summit, President Joe Biden has brought together African leaders to discuss and take decisions concerning not only African countries, but also our global village in need of peace, health and security. This indeed was timely.  
For, we cannot claim to give democracy the meaning it deserves, if authoritarian governments deprive citizens of their right to live freely in good health, or protect sadists who betray patriotism by funding violence and separatist trends, besides, undermining what guarantees health, education, environmental needs, peace and political stability.
The second edition of US-Africa Leaders’ Summit which held from 13-15 December 2022 in Washington DC was indeed a hope raising event. For it came at a time when most African countries might have already been wondering whether the departure of president Barack Obama from the American White House meant the end of US – African Leaders’ Summit to brainstorm and take important decisions concerning America and Africa. Fortunately, President Joe Biden raised hopes. During the summit, the President announced, not only the sum of US dollar 350 billion to boost the digital investment in Africa, but also a pledge of 50 billion US dollars to assist in health infrastructure within the next three years.
Besides Health and Trade Investment, other important domains that needed great attention were given the importance deserved. Climate change, good governance, peace, security and space cooperation, were exhaustively handled and decisions taken.
The United State of America had e...



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