Investing In Cameroon : Financial Institution Explores Opportunities

Prime Minister Joseph Dion Ngute had a working session with a delegation of MBS GLOBAL on February 27, 2023.

A fourteen-man delegation of a financial group known as MBS GLOBAL was received by the Prime Minister, Head of Government, Joseph Dion Ngute on February 27, 2023 to discuss investment opportunities in the country. Agriculture, mining, tourism, industries, imports and exports, transport and energy, are some of the sectors the visiting delegation is seeking to invest in. The Prime Minister was receiving the delegation on behalf of the President of the Republic and they comprised amongst others, businessmen, Princes of the Royal families of Qatar and Dubai, the Director-General and Board Members of JD EUROWAY BANCORP and TRUST.  
The head of delegation, Fritzgerald Zephir who is Director of International Business at MBS GLOBAL said the Prime Minister guarded them on the different investment opportunities in various sectors. “In the coming days, we will be discussing with each of the ministries to see where we can have an impact and help improve the Cameroonian economy by doing investments in the different sectors, be it mining, agriculture, tourism, imports and exports or industries. We will be looking at all these opportunities and we will gather again to see where we can work hand-in-hand with the Cameroonian government,” he stated.
Quizzed on the choice of Cameroon, Fritzgerald said Cameroon is one of the large economies in Africa. “As the Prime Minister explained to us, ...



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