Universities Of Bamenda, Buea: Absentees Will Have Themselves To Blame

Below is a press release from the Minister of Higher Education.

The Minister of Higher Education, Chancellor of Academic Orders, informs the national and international university community of the effective resumption of classes, including on the job training (practical and fieldwork for the gaining of knowhow in view of a better employability of graduates) in the universities of Bamenda and Buea.
Besides the classical transmission of knowledge and the acquisition of competences, as prescribed by the BMP or BMD system, evaluations and continuous assessments are regularly organized, in each establishment and at the Level of each cycle (from B1 or L1 to B3 or L3 and to M).
Since the state has provided enough security to the two regions and the two vice-chancellors are meticulously taking statistic on the absences and the effective presence of students, the Minister of Higher Education reminds every teacher, support staff or student that injustified absences w...



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