University Digital Development : Soa Centre Goes Operational
- By Brenda YUFEH
- 14 mai 2024 13:17

The Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education, yesterday May 13, 2024, officially handed over an equipped digital centre to the University of Yaounde II.
Professor Jacques Fame Ndongo, Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education, has called on the Rector of the University of Yaounde II, Soa, Professor Richard Laurent Omgba, to optimise the education system 4.0 which is the learning approach associated with the fourth industrial revolution through cutting-edge technology and automation such as robotics, artificial intelligence and smart technology. He was speaking yesterday May 13, 2024 at the Soa University Campus during an official ceremony to hand over the University Digital Development Centre to the institution.
The ceremony marked the materialization of the presidential project E-National Higher Education Network instructed by the Head of State, for the digital transformation of Cameroon's higher education system. It has as its corollary the implementation of Education 4.0, which will also enable students to take courses wherever they are, and induces the implementation of the University-Enterprise, which is an innovative concept contained in the Cameroonian Higher Education Orientation Law promulgated on July 25, 2023 by the President of the Republic. With the symbolic cutting of the inaugural ribbon and the handing over of the keys of the structure to the Rector of the University of Yaounde II, the Soa University Community is connected to the global cyberspace with all the opportunities it provides amidst competitiveness and modernity. Professor Jacques Fame Ndongo said the centre is out to fulfil the mission assigned by the nation to the higher education subsystem (teaching, research, support for development) and the ultimate goal of the Head of State to all Cameroonian universities which is quality education, professionalism and digitalization of teaching as well as the employability of the higher education products.
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