North West : Some 30,519 Candidates Sit For GCE Examination

This marks an increase as opposed to the 27,100 candidates who sat for the exams last year.

The 2024 session of the General Certificate of Education examination began yesterday, May 28, 2024 with some 30,519 candidates taking part in the North West Region. 
According to the Regional Delegate for Secondary Education, Bajong Ezikiel Ndifon, the participation rate has increased this year as compared to last year when only 27, 100 candidates sat for the exams. Of the 30,519 candidates, 14,212 are sitting for the GCE ‘O’ level, 9, 556 for the GCE ‘A’ level. 14,098 are sitting for the intermediate technical and professional exams whereas 2,653 candidates are sitting for the Advanced Technical and Vocational exams. The Regional Delegate says the exams is taking place hitch-free in 49 centres in all the seven Divisions of the North West Region but for some minor incidents in Oku where a student of Government High School, Elak-Oku was killed in a cross fire between separatist fighters and security forces. A stray bullet also reportedly killed a student around the Saint Frederick High School at Big Mankon in Bamenda.
A visit to the Government Bilingual High School in Bamendankwe in Bamenda, saw students concentrating in writing the paper one in Economics and Geology for the ‘A’ level candidates and Economics paper one only for the ‘O’ level candidates. The Centre which is also accommodating four other centres including the College of Commerce, Comprehensive High school Belo, the Government Secondary school Bangshe, hosted 1,019 candidates for the GCE e...



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