Cooperation : Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov In Brazzaville

For two days, the chief diplomat will hold talks with Congolese authorities on how to end the Libyan crisis.

Relations between the Republic of Congo and Russia are on a good footing with the visit of Foreign Minister, Serguei Lavrov to Brazzaville on Monday, June 3, 2024.  During the visit which is a continuation of a three-nation tour in Africa, Mr Serguei Lavrov will hold talks with the Congolese Head of State, Denis Sassou-Nguesso, at his stronghold in Ollombo, near Oyo located 400 kilometers north of the capital Brazzaville. According to a diplomatic source, discussions between the President and the Russian Foreign Minister who is on a second visit to Congo after that of July 2022, will focus on the situation in Libya. In his capacity as President of the African Union High-Level Committee on the Crisis in Libya, the Congolese leader, Denis Sassou-Nguesso, will try to reach an agreement with Russia to maintain involvement in this thorny issue. The Russian diplomat would thus provide his country’s support to Brazzaville, which has been involved in resolving the inter-Libyan crisis for more than a decade.
Since the start of the crisis in Libya, Russia has according to the Foreign Minister actively supported the initiatives advanced by the African Union’s High Level Committee on Libya led by the President of Republic of the Congo, and the initiative to organize a reconciliation conference with the participation of all Libyan parties. For the conference to hold, Russia has agreed to closely coordinate actions that can help Libyans themselves determine the future of their country, because it is the only way to overcome the current situation when the State is on the verge of collapsing. Libyans themselves, as it is written in all UN and AU resolutions, must agree among themselves, the foreign ministry stated.
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