50 Years In Marriage : SOPECAM Deputy GM, Wife Celebrate

The couple commemorated their golden jubilee of holy matrimony on Saturday June 1, 2024 in Yaounde.

The Deputy General Manager of the Cameroon News and Publishing Corporation (SOPECAM), Shey Dr. Peter Mabu, and his wife Justice Grace Mabu, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Saturday June 1, 2024 in Yaounde.
The celebrations started with a church service at the Faith Baptist Church, Anguissa-Yaounde. The service was graced by the presence of top government officials and long-time friends. Talking on behalf of his siblings, the couple's first son, Nfinyo T. Mabu, highlighted the significance of celebrating their parents while they are still alive. He thanked his parents for their moral upbringing based on the principle of  “not sparing the rod and spoiling the children” exemplified through “service to God, to the community and to the family”. The officiating pastor emphasized love as the cornerstone of a successful marriage. He underlined that humility and submissiveness are the pillars for a durable marriage. The couple was also recognized for their generosity.
Shey Dr. Peter Mabu expressed his heartfelt joy and appreciation for the love showered to him and his wife by their family and friends. He acknowledged the presence of guests who travelled from afar to celebrate with t...



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