Gender-Based-Violence : Gendarmerie Personnel Trained To Manage Cases

The two-week workshop which ended on Friday June 14, 2024 permitted staff to understand the concept of GBV and its consequences.

Some 29 gendarmerie staff amongst whom were 13 women and 16 men (seven officers, 18 non-commissioned officers and four rank and file from the Gendarmerie Central Services and eight from Gendarmerie Legions) have completed a two-week intensive course on how to tackle cases of Gender-Based-Violence (GBV. On Friday, June 14, 2024 at the Judicial Police Improvement Centre located at Camp Yeyap, Yaounde, the Commander of Schools and Training Centres at the National Gendarmerie (CECIG), Colonel Sylvain Engozo’o, who chaired the closing ceremony on behalf of the Secretary of State in the Ministry of Defence in Charge of the National Gendarmerie called on participants to ensure that victims of GBV find in them the solutions to their problem each time they report in any gendarmerie station.
Colonel Sylvain Engozo’o said the event was an opportunity to make a balance sheet of what was taught during the workshop and how henceforth the personnel need to address the question of GBV.  The Assistant Gender Focal Point at the Gendarmerie, Major Eyong Onana said the seminar focused on educating staff on the key concepts of GBV, the consequences of GBV, the legal framework for combating GBV as well as the techniques for interviewing victims of GBV and even perpetrators. Experts from the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and the Family, the Ministry of Justice, UN-Women, the NGO; Doctors Without Boundar...



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