SOPECAM In All Its Glamour

Thousands of invitees were at the exhibition that took place in the Cameroon News and Publishing Corporation yesterday, July 1, 2024.

The exhibition at SOPECAM yesterday July 1, 2024 was an occasion for the public to discover the enterprise and its potentials. Visitors that came to SOPECAM yesterday went home with a good picture of the Cameroon News and Publishing Company. From the main entrance, one could see an inflated balloon showing the products of SPOCAM notably Cameroon Tribune newspaper, Insider newspaper, Nyanga Magazine, Weekend Magazine, Cameroon Business Today, flyers for the 50th anniversary and a board for sponsors, among others. Photographs of the Head of State, the Prime Minister, former board chairs, general managers and deputy managing editors on the veranda of the, newsroom. On the roof of the newsroom was a huge banner of Cameroon Tribune. 
In the centre courtyard a red carpet was rolled out for VIP guests. One could also see exhibition stands showcasing SOPECAM books like the special editions, visitors guide and also products and those of other partner organisations. The visitors had a guided visit of the enterprise. In the printing press the guests visited the pre-conference workshop, the Computer Assisted Design (PAO), and Computer to Plate (CTP). The visitors also visited old machines of pre-conference, the sheet-fed press room and all the machines as well as the KBA rotary press and the KND finishing machine. They were...



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