Social Democratic Front : Party Presents Balance Sheet Of Activities

The National Chairman, Joshua Osih gave a press conference on July 4, 2024 at the party’s headquarters in Yaounde.

A balance sheet on the participation of the Social Democratic Front (SDF) in the 10th legislative period and its opinion on some national and international issues have been presented to the public during a press conference granted by the National Chairman of the party, Joshua Osih, who doubles as Questor at the National Assembly. The presser took place on July 8, 2024 at the party’s headquarters and is the first after the convention of the SDF that held in October 2023 in which a new executive of the party was elected. 
As concerns the participation of the party in the current legislative period, the Chairman noted that the SDF has participated in deliberations in the 12 bills that have been tabled in Parliament in the June session. The legislator added that they have written asking for a special plenary sitting to be organised to talk about the issuance of ID cards for Cameroonians, seven questions asked to members of government and three propositions for the modifications on certain legal dispositions, amongst them some provisions of the Labour Code.
On the life of the party, the SDF Chairman said they have held three National Executive Committee meetings and have embarked on a national tour. He notes that the main point that surfaced during his national tour was the aspect of the issuance of ID cards which has been somehow problematic to some people in recent years. The SDF Chairman narrated the story of a lady he met in the Moungo Division during his tour of the regions who recounted her ordeal on the IDs. “The real problem we have today is not the issue of roads, water and electricity. It is that of ID cards Chairman. I have been for years without an ID card and when I lost my brother, I could not travel to the village and burry him because of no ID,” the Chairman narrated in the words of the lady. To Joshua Osih, w...



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