Children’s Rights : UNICEF Enters MOUs With State Universities, NASLA

The agreement includes children's rights issues as a fundamental component of academic programmes and university research.


The United Nations Children’s Fund, UNICEF, representatives of Cameroonian State universities, the National School of Local Administration, NASLA, Buea and the Director of the Advanced School of Mass Communication, ASMAC Yaounde on Tuesday, July 16, 2024 in Yaounde signed Memoranda Of Understanding, MOU. Committing to the inclusion of children's rights issues as a fundamental component of academic programmes and university research across the country. In sectors such as education, health, HIV/AIDS, nutrition, protection, and Water, Hygiene and Sanitation, WASH.


NASLA, Closer To Grassroots People 
“As a regular actor with local governments, we are well placed to undertake training on topics that UNICEF has proposed. Especially as the students we train end up serving with various local governments as elected officials or employees. Local governments, it must be recalled, are in closer, daily contact with grassroots people as they implement programmes. For the results to be passed on to the people,” said Tanyitiku Enohachuo Bayee, the Director General of NASLA


Social, Behaviour Change Training 
According to the Vice Chancellor of the University of Buea, Prof. Ngomo Horace Manga, the convention signed by the University of Buea with UNICEF has four major points. The first is the introduction of training courses to be undertaken by the University of Buea and elsewhere. Which will lead to certification in Social and Behavioral Changes by the University of Buea. The second point is the introduction of modules on children’s rights and social harmony in the curricula or training programmes of the University of Buea. The third has to do with the monitoring and evaluation of data on children’s rights and other aspects related to children. The last point has to do with the exchange of expertise. 


Data For Monitoring Children’s Rights 
“The University of Buea has a Faculty of Social and Management Sciences which includes the Department of Sociology and Anthropology. The partnership with UNICEF will add to ongoing discussions between the Department of Sociology and Anthropology and other organisations on the defence of children’s rights. According to the terms of the convention, we intend to deliberately include all these aspects in our curriculum. The University of Buea will provide research, data, evaluate and monitor issues on children’s rights and the welfare of children. We will provide UNICEF with the guiding data that will inform the design of its programmes on the promotion, protection and defence of children’s rights and their welfare,” Prof. Horace Ngomo underscored. 


Immeasurable Government Contributions  
UNICEF Cameroon Country Representative, Nadine Perrault lauded the government of Cameroon, through the Ministry of Higher Education, for its sustained efforts with other stakeholders to create an environment conducive for training and the production and use of evidence for the planning, monitoring and evaluation of national programmes. Saying the partnership deals mark a decisive step in the transformative journey that began some time ago with Cameroonian universities. With the aim of strengthening UNICEF’s interventions in support of the government for the realization of children’s rights in Cameroon.


Threefold MOU Goal
According to Perrault, UNICEF’s goal is threefold. To strengthen national capacities in Social and Behavioral Change, SBC. And improve the production and use of social and behavioral data for SBC programming. As well as creating a solid ecosystem that trains professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to induce positive behavioral change in society in favour of children's rights.


Collaboration With Universities, Higher Institutes 
Secondly, the Memoranda Of Understanding seek to provide short, medium- and long-term training opportunities that will strengthen the capacities of government partners and key stakeholders on children's rights issues. And finally, the deals aim to establish long-term collaboration framework for universities and higher institutions of education to contribute effectively to the generation of evidence to inform the planning, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of programmes to promote the well-being of children.


Contributing To National Development Strategy 
“By working closely with the Government of Cameroon and the academia, UNICEF Cameroon aims to ensure that services and programmes in favor of children in Cameroon effectively contribute to Cameroon's National Development Strategy 2030 and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.


Understanding Rights Deprivations  
“The partnerships formalized today will enable UNICEF and key stakeholders to gain a better understanding of the underlying causes of child rights deprivations in various sectors. To give a few examples, in the education sector, a better understanding of the root causes and challenges of Came...



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