Buea : Speeding Vehicle Quenches Two Lives

Six persons are receiving medical attention at the Regional Hospital while the corpses have been preserved in the same hospital’s mortuary.

Grief and consternation engulfed the Great Soppo Market well known in Buea as OIC Market on Wednesday July 17, 2024. A speeding vehicle wreaked havoc in the market, killed two persons on the spot and left many injured. By 1 pm yesterday, most shops in the Great Soppo Market remained closed as traders could be seen standing in groups lamenting. 
At 6:15 AM traders were removing things from cars stationed on the road and transporting to their business spaces. Suddenly, a vehicle of MARK X – 250 of Toyota brand (without matriculation) speeding from Molyko direction and ascending towards Royal Pharmacy dashed on the traders. It had left its own lane completely and crossed to the other side of the road. It only anchored on a tree after it had crushed persons, food stuffs and several mobile kiosks. Luckily, the call box occupants were not inside at the time. The madly driven car cut a vegetable seller - Tenyindze Marie (49 years) into two halves. It crushed a tricycle of mark Bazar and killed its rider, Ndassi Aquila (43 years) on the spot. The unfortunate incident at the Buea main Boulevard caused huge traffic for hours. 
Six victims of the accident have been hospitalized at the Buea Regional Hospital with various degrees of injury. The vehicle was driven by Sagaha Henry (27 years.) On board were Paul Lecydave Mafany Eyole Ndeley (2...



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