2024 FOCAC Summit : Key Issues For Possible Consideration

The ninth Forum on China-Africa Cooperation holds in the Chinese capital, Beijing, from September 3-8, 2024.


Chinese and African leaders will meet to discuss issues of common interest at the ninth Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, FOCAC summit in the Chinese capital, Beijing, from September 3-8, 2024. 


As Summit Draws Closer
There will be a Plenary Session co-chaired by Chinese President XI Jinping and an African leader, a China-Africa Entrepreneurs Conference, and a Joint Press Conference by African Foreign Ministers and the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, China Daily reported last May. China has put forward the Belt and Road Initiative, BRI and the Global Development Initiative, GDI to help build a “Community of Shared Future.” 


Development, Cooperation
Speaking on March 7, 2024 in Beijing, Chinese Foreign Minister, Wang Yi said Chinese and African leaders will discuss development and cooperation and hold in-depth exchanges on governance experiences, Xinhua news agency said. Wang added that through the FOCAC summit, China and Africa will carry forward their traditional friendship, deepen solidarity and cooperation, and open up new space for accelerating mutual development.
Noting that China and Africa have entered a fast track in building a community of shared future, Wang recalled that China has been Africa's biggest trading partner for 15 years. And that China-Africa cooperation has grown bigger and people-to-people bonds further enhanced. Meanwhile, as all sides put final touches to preparations for the 9th FOCAC summit, a number of key points worth considering come to mind. 


Civilizations In Tandem 
Though oceans apart, Chinese and African civilizations share inherent connections. Africa’s philosophy of Ubuntu, which values compassion and sharing, and Mbongi, which advocates dialogue and consultation, are quite similar with the teachings of China’s Confucianism - “love the people and all beings, and seek harmony among all nations.” China and Africa agree on the importance of collective interests, respect for seniority, equality and tolerance, and harmony between man and nature. Over the centuries, China and Africa have developed unique cultural traditions and qualities that provide valuable inspiration to each other.


Strengthening Bonds Through Exchanges 
As more Chinese and Africans visit each other’s countries, bridges are built that bring their people and hearts closer. More than 3,000 Chinese enterprises are doing business in Africa and have established vocational schools for locals. Tens of thousands of African students are studying in China. At the China-Africa Leaders’ Dialogue in August 2023, President Xi Jinping proposed the Plan for China-Africa Cooperation on Talent Development, giving a further boost to China-Africa youth exchanges and talent cultivation. 
The two sides have held events under the China-Africa Think Tank Forum, China-Africa Youth Festival, Women’s Forum, Media Cooperation Forum, and the Seminar on Chinese Modernization and African Development. And so close interactions between Chinese and Africans are connecting their common dreams together. And making up a most fascinating part of China-Africa community with a shared future.


As Civilization Grows
We live in a world of increasing turmoil where hegemony, bullying and domineering are wreaking havoc, while global recovery remains elusive and inequalities are glaring. There is need for humanity to overcome estrangement between civilizations through exchanges, prevent clashes through mutual learning, and overcome a false sense of superiority with coexistence. 
As President Xi Jinping notes, “Diversity of civilizations should not be a source of global conflict; rather, it should be an engine driving the advance of human civilizations.” Thus, the next Forum on China-Africa Cooperation is expected to provide a great opportunity for China and Africa to further strengthen exchanges and mutual learning. As well as promote people-to-people contact and affinity, and take steps to advance their civilizations. And generate impetus for China and Africa to build a community with a shared future for mankind.


Diverse Development Paths 
We live in an era of unprecedented challenges. But also, an era of hope, with developing countries rising together. How to find the right development path and achieve common development through solidarity and cooperation is the question that must be answered as China and Africa work for a high-level community with a shared future.


Renewed Awakening 
African countries have become more conscious of the...



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