2024 Olympic Games : Paris Bustling With Build-up Activities

The French capital is beaming with life as all corners are adorned with the colours of the prestigious global competition which brings out the best athletes from across the world to compete for medals and fame.

Any visitor to the capital of the French Republic, Paris, would not need to be told that there is something serious in the offing. From the Charles de Gaulle, Paris Orly and Paris Beauvais international airports to any part of the city, almost everything is seen and heard about the 2024 Summer Olympic Games which France hosts from July 26 to August 11 and the Paralympics from August 28 to September 8, 2024. 
In fact, the French capital city is already in the colours of the Games judging from the posters and the tight security that characterise Paris at this moment. Obviously so as containing some 10,500 athletes competing in 329 events for the Olympics and over 4,400 athletes in 549 events for the Paralympics alongside their accompanying delegations demands a lot from the country’s highest and city authorities. Indeed, France’s commitment to ensure an “unprecedented” security operation wherein between 35,000 to 45,000 security personnel will guard the different competition venues is quite visible on the ground. Police are on alert and controls stepped up.
Movement into and out of some zones where athletes and other official delegations are lodged is strongly scrutinised by the security forces mobilised to give the event the safety it deserves. While city dwellers, mostly cab drivers, complain of the difficulty in picking up and dropping off passengers in those strategic areas, owing to the tight security, they all agree that the Games are boosting life and livelihood in the capital city. The huge presence of visitors bolsters economic activity in almost all domains and permits city dwellers and the country to reap huge returns.    
Almost all hotels are already jammed to capacity either with athletes, their accompanying delegations or just sports...



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