Quality Education : Capitalising On Good Practices

Stakeholders in the Basic Education sector are currently in a workshop to encourage the pooling of innovative skills within the KIX Africa 21 Programme.

In 2015, Cameroon, like many other countries, signed up to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) No. 4, to ensure access to quality education for all on a basis of equality, while promoting lifelong learning opportunities. In spite of all governmental measures to create opportunities for access to quality education for all, there are still loopholes in achieving the commitment. 
In view of changing the trend while improving decision-making in the education sector, the country recently joined the KIX Africa 21 knowledge and innovation sharing mechanism. It is within this backdrop that stakeholders at the Basic Education sector yesterday, August 21, 2024 began an online and offline workshop to capitalise on good practices and successful experiences in education within Africa and Cameroon in particular. Opening discussions was the Secretary General of the Ministry of Basic Education, Oyono Adams Daniel, who reiterated the importance of the KIX Africa 21 knowledge programme in improving educational policies in the country. 
Oyono Adams revealed that KIX works to build the capacity of education actors in a bid to produce, integrate and scale knowledge as well as innovation within partner countries in the education domain. With the view of having a national strategy for the KIX mechanism in the country, the Secretary General urged participants to use the opportunity off...



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