Reasons For The Successes

For more than two decades now, the rise of far-right parties in Europe has ignited a lot of debate.

The gradual rise of far-rights in Europe does not date today. More than two decades ago, the far-right populist Freedom Party (FPÖ), headed by Jörg Haider won under 27 percent of the vote and entered the government in Austria. The FPO victory, sent shock waves around Europe. Diplomatic visits were cancelled and punitive measures imposed. Not long after, Jean-Marie Le Pen of France’s National Front (now National Rally) reached the presidential run-off, the eventual winner, Jacques Chirac, refused to debate with the far-right leader. Since then, far-right parties have been advancing across Europe climbing steadily up the polls, shaping the policies of the mainstream right to reflect nativist and populist platforms, and occupying select ministerial roles in coalition governments.
In Italy, Giorgia Meloni’s neo-fascist party just like Spain’s far-right Vox have taken roots to the extent of sharing power nationally. Same scenario with the far-right coalition government in Finland that has been involved in key policy concessions. In a “watershed moment” in the Germany’s politics, the country’s far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD), win its first district council election, while in Greece, a trio of little-known hard-right and nativist parties did also won Parliamentary seats prompting many to ask the question; why are the far-right parties succeeding? 
The difference in cultures and political systems they operate are said to be one of the major propeller of far-right activities in Europe. Europe’s increasingly fragmented and polarized politics has split the population and basically turned the parties into kingmakers. In Italy and Austria because of disenchantment with their various systems that they say are inefficient, the population has decided to sanction them by offering their votes to far-right parties. Opposition to immigration, Islam and the European Union have also helpe...



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