Violence, Illicit Drug Consumption : Youths Take Centre Stage

A workshop to equip peer educators and educational relays to detect potential sources of drug trafficking amongst youths is ongoing in Yaounde.

The Ministry of Youth Affairs and Civic Education have taken the fight against drug consumption amongst young people to another level. This time around, the young people will have to tackle the ill amongst themselves. It is within this backdrop that the Minister of Youth Affairs and Civic Education, Mounouna Foutsou, yesterday, August 27, 2024 in Yaounde opened a two-day workshop to equip young peer educators and educational relays to detect potential sources of drug trafficking and mechanisms for monitoring violence, drugs and other psychotropic substances in society.  
Stating the raison d’être of the workshop, Minister Mounouna Foutsou said statistics indicate a growth in the marketing and consumption of drugs amongst the population, especially with the youths in the country. He recalled the message to young people on the occasion of the 58th Youth Day on February 10, 2024, by the President of the Republic as he quoted: “The depravity of morals, uncivil and deviant behaviour, violence, indiscipline, the consumption of alcohol and drugs, intolerance, are on the rise in our society. The school environment is no exception.” As such, the Minister of Youth Affairs and Civic Education said his ministry could not be lukewarm to what is happening to the growing population in the country. That is why the ministry has taken the role to increase awareness on the dangers of drugs consumption through a series of measures in its National Programme for Civic and Moral Education; and Entrepreneurial Rearmament (PRONEC-REAMORCE). The programme aims among other things, to train and build the capacities of young people, other leaders and youth leaders, to detect and raise awareness on the dangers of drug consumption. A...



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