After Sexual Assault : Jato Sonita Gradually Rises From The Ashes

The youngster-singer, manager and parents held a press conference in Yaounde on August 28, 2024 to dispel recent virile social media allegations against them.

It was a completely different Jato Sonita on Wednesday, August 28, 2024. At a press conference in the posh Yaounde neighbourhood of Bastos. Called by her manager, Che Emmanuel Banyong, the Director of The Forest Children music group. Arriving alongside her manager, paternal aunt and foster mother, and the manager’s counsel to take their seats in front of the little hall filled largely with media men and women, Sonita wore a forlorn, mournful face. Very much different from the vibrant, playful, smiling, joyous kid the public is used to seeing in her music videos.


Too Frightening To Recall
As the young lady compere continued introducing the guests and how the event would proceed, Sonita maintained the melancholic look. And when time came for her to take the floor - she was the first to speak – she began to narrate her ordeal. A few seconds on, tears began to well up in her eyes. Followed by silent sobs. Before she finally burst into uncontrollable wailing, covering her face on the little table in front of her. 
A scene that led some of the journalists, camera people and photographers – and of course the mother - to also shed some tears for the diminutive songster. Who looks like an 11-year-old. Though she turned 16 on August 28, 2024! Understandably, the wailing abruptly concluded Jato Sonita’s explanation of what befell her about three years ago. An incident that has since traumatized her life - and world. And that of her family and manager. 


Innocent, Ignorant 
At the time of her brutal sexual assault, Sonita was only 13. The same age she began seeing her menses for the first time. Much against the firm instructions of her paternal aunt, foster mother, Mrs. Njang Patience, Sonita had sneaked out of the family home in Bambui – in the company of other children - to go swimming in a stream in the community. 
This was in early December 2021 at the time the raging armed conflict in the North West and South West Regions had become very intense. Especially in Bambui on the outskirts of the North West regional capital, Bamenda.


The Traumatic Incident  
Before the children had had enough fun, armed men suddenly appeared, ordering the little girls out of the stream. Claiming they also wished to bathe. But it was not to be. As the kids scampered out of the stream for their clothes, and then for safety in different directions, Sonita was unlucky. As she tried to escape, one of the armed men pounced on her, raping her. 


Sealed Lips
Like it often happens in such cases, the little girl kept mute, afraid to inform her mother. An incident the mother will only learn of the details six-seven months on. After the mother took Sonita for a pregnancy test. Still so young, innocent and ignorant, Jato did not understand she was pregnant. Despite the telltale signs of changes in her appearance. Each time her parents questioned if anything was wrong with her, Sonita would deny categorically. 


Concerned About Her 
Following the confirmation of pregnancy, Sonita’s mother decided to also shut her mouth – even to Sonita’s manager, Che Emmanuel Banyong. Fearing the sad news would not only abruptly end, but destroy her music career. As well as tarnish the reputation of the manager and The Forest Children music group. 
Worried about the changes in Sonita’s appearance, the manager himself took her to a private clinic in the Bamenda neighbourhood of Ngomgham. Where pregnancy was confirmed. News that left Emmanuel Banyong so angry and lost. He then made up his mind to separate with Sonita, feeling betrayed by what she had done.


Banyong’s Afterthought 
Banyong only changed his mind as an afterthought. Following entreaties from Sonita’s family and other people. It was then agreed that the matter be kept secret. And that Sonita should leave Bamenda immediately to give birth in another town. This is how she travelled to Limbe where she lived and gave birth to a baby boy on August 17, 2022. 
With the continuous pleas of Sonita’s family for the manager to continue to take her back, Banyong eventually gave in. Even accepting for Sonita to come and live with him in Bamenda and resume schooling. She was in Lower Sixth Arts last academic year in a private school in Bamenda. 


To Safeguard Her, Group Interests 
Sonita’s incident was hidden from the public. First, for her safety and security. And secondly, to give her a second chance to continue her education and music career. And lastly, to safeguard her image and that of her music group. The plan worked well. Until August 2024 when a former artistic assistant to Emmanuel Banyong, Clement Toh, posted a devastating message on Facebook. 
Claiming amongst others that Che Emmanuel got the kid artiste he manages, Jato Sonita, in the family way. That she delivered the baby. And when Banyong’s wife learnt of the scandal, she left her marriage in protest. Within no time, social media was agog with the “news.” With everyone making their interpretation of what reportedly happened. But to Sonita and family, it was like pricking a wound that was about drying off - with a sharp object. An incident she had wished to put behind her. 


Mother Confirms Sonita’s Narrative  
Taking the floor next at the press was Jato Sonita’s paternal aunt and foster mother, Mrs. Jang Patience. In between sobs, Mrs. Jang briefly revisited what Sonita recounted, and why she hid the incident from Banyong for fear of his reaction. She said it was after her family pleaded with Emmanuel Banyong that he finally accepted to continue with Sonita. And also to take her from the prying eyes of people in Bambui to live with him in Bamenda. To continue school and her career. 
Che Banyong also mentioned the case of another member of The Forest Children, now 5, who was also sexually abused when she was 3. “Jato’s experience is a sad reminder of what many kids go through in the armed conflict in North West and South West Regions,” Banyong said. On the issue of his wife leaving marriage, he said it happened long before Jato Sonita got pregnant after a disagreement with the wife. And that it had nothing to do with the kid singer’s pregnancy since he was not responsible for it. 


Possible Legal Action 
Banyong’s counsel, Barrister Fonka Tomnyuy Molola of Fonka T. Law Firm, Yaounde promised legal action against Clement Toh for his defamatory post. Including others who picked up the post and continued to make similar defamatory comments against his client on social media. Barrister said legal action will go ahead notwithstanding the fact that Clement Toh currently resides in the United Kingdom.<...



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