Humanitarian Assistance : WFP, Red Cross Committee Presents Inputs

Prime Minister Joseph Dion Ngute yesterday granted two separate audiences to the Country Director of the World Food Programme, Gianluca Ferrera and the Regional Director for Africa of IFRC, Mohammed Omer Mukhier.

The Prime Minister, Head of Government, Joseph Dion Ngute, yesterday September 26, 2024 granted two separate audiences to the newly designated Country Director of the World Food Programme for Cameroon, Gianluca Ferrera and the Regional Director for Africa of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescents Societies, Mohammed Omer Mukhier. Both personalities discussed with the Prime Minister on how their institutions can provide support to the Cameroonian government following the recent floods in the Far North Region of the country, affecting more than 300,000 people.  
For the Country Director of the World Food Programme, they discussed plans of the specialised UN agency to put in place measures to strengthen the capacity of the affected population. “We also discussed how the World Food Programme and the government of Cameroon can work together to scale up the school feeding programme in the country based on local production. So we will really like to set a connection between the schools and the farmers nearby so that not only the kids from the schools benefit from the meals, but the farmers benefiting from the demands created and this will trigger development in those rural communities,” he explained.
Other discussions centred on the opportunity for the World Food Programme to scale up local procurement for food so as to limit food importation. To that effect, partnership with the



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