Local Development : Campaign On Citizens’ Participation To Continue

The Office of the Public Independent Conciliator for the North West Region on September 27, 2024 formally closed the three-month campaign with assurance that work has to continue.

On July 4, 2024, the Office of the Public Independent Conciliator (PIC) for the North West Region launched the campaign on citizens’ participation in local development in all municipalities of the region. At the formal close of the three-month campaign on September 26, 2024, the Public Independent Conciliator, Tamfu Simon Fai said, “Reports reaching us testify that the masses embraced this campaign across the seven divisions of the North West Region.”
The formal closing ceremony took place at the Auditorium of the PIC in the form of a CRTV NW special live broadcast in the presence of PIC senior officials, members of the press, some Mayors and representatives of some groups of people in c society. The PIC Tamfu Simon Fai said during the interview that, “The next phase is that we are on a data gathering mission. This closing is just a formal type of thing. We will continue. We will gather elements to the extent that we will be assured that the participation of the citizens in council business is not less than 90 per cent.” He assured that, “We have the means to go as far as that because we have people resident in municipalities and working hand in hand with the Mayors to make sure that we get the results.” In the current phase of gathering statistics, the Office of the PIC is getting feedback from communities where questionnaires were served. “We are addressing every aspect of good governance in councils in those statistics and this includes also the participation of citizens in council business,” Tamfu Simon Fai said.
Awareness creation work on the field to enable citizens master better and put in place the theme, “Participating in the affairs of my community is my right and duty,” has to continue considering the presence of key stakeholders in the 34 Local and one City Councils in the region. The PIC has Community based Assistants in all the municipalities who are relay agents of...



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