Ngwei River : Transport Minister Inaugurates Temporary Bridge

Jean Ernest Ngalle Bibehe handed over FCFA 15 million on Sunday to facilitate the rehabilitation of a new bridge.

Life came to a standstill for the people of Lop Pagal-Nkan and the entire Massok Songloulou community after heavy rains on 16 and 17 September destroyed 13 bridges. Children were unable to go to school and farmers were unable to transport their produce. To remedy the situation, Cyrille Yvan Abondo, SDO for the Sanaga-Maritime Division, rallied the elite, who were able to raise FCFA 13 million to rehabilitate one of the main bridges, the one over the Ngwei River. To this end, the Minister of Transport, Jean Ernest Ngalle Bibehe, as a son of the soil, visited the area on Sunday October 6? 2024 and went to some of the bridges to assess the situation and get first-hand information about the tragedy.
In Ngwei, the mayor of Massok Songloulou, Batoum Batoum Robert, said it was the first time they had witnessed such an incident. He said some of the bridges were completely washed away, while others were rendered impassable. He revealed that the incident affected 24 villages in three chiefdoms, as the populations of these villages were completely cut off from each other. He took the opportunity to thank all those who contributed financially and otherwise to the construction of the temporary bridge over the Ngwei River. Informed of the situation, Cyrille Yvan Abondo organized a crisis meeting to find temporary solutions. He said the incident had prevented children from going to school and economic activity had come to a standstill. He thanked the region's elite for their positive response to the restoration of the partial crossing of the Ngwei River.
On the technicalities of the rehabilitation and construction of the bridges, the representative of the Minister of Public Works and head of the Technical Studies Division of that Ministry, Yene Atanga Joseph, said the rehabilitation and construction of the bridges will be done in two phases. The first phase being the temporary rehabilitation in 2024, and the construction of the bridges in 2025. He said some technical works have to be done before the construction of the bridges.
Minister Jea...



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