North West : Seven Separatist Fighters Drop Arms in Widikum

The Secretary General at the North West Governor’s Office, Saidouna Ali received them on behalf of the Governor in Bamenda on October 12, 2024.

The seven separatist fighters who dropped their arms and left the bushes in Widikum Subdivision, Momo Division in the North West Region are certainly bracing up to get training on different skills the Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR) Centre in Bamenda for reintegration into society and to contribute to bringing back peace to the region.
The Secretary General of the North West Governor’s Office Saidouna Ali received them on October 12, 2024 on behalf of Governor Adolphe Lele Lafrique.  Besides the Governor’s close aides present for the brief presentation ceremony, were also the Coordinator of the DDR Centre for the North West in Bamenda, Kum Henry and the Momo Senator Enwi Francis who masterminded the surrender and the dropping of arms by the separatist fighters. 
During the occasion at the Governor’s Office, the Secretary General Saidouna Ali expressed satisfaction and encouragement to Senator Enwi Francis for the laudable action in favour of the youths of Widikum Subdivision that enabled the seven young separatist fighters to leave the bushes to regain normal life.  Talking about the dropping of arms by these youths, he said, “It is good news because its assures us that the peace process designed by the Head of State and implemented by government is on course and that the different actors, elite are on the field to effectively support public authorities in the implementation of the policy to bring back peace and normalcy in the North West.” 
Senator Enwi Francis explaining how they managed to get the separatist fighters out of the...



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