CPDM Kupe-Muanguba Sues For Unity

Newly elected sections bureaus were commissioned on August 27, 2016, in Bangem by the Head of the Divisional Permanent Delegation.


Members and supporters of the ruling Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement (CPDM) in Kupe Muanenguba Division of the South West Region have been urged to bury their differences and make the division a bastion of the CPDM. Prof. Elvis Ngolle Ngolle, CPDM Permanent Divisional Delegation Head for Kupe Muanenguba, made the appeal on August 27, 2016 in Bangem, while commissioning newly elected SectionS executives of Kupe Muanenguba I (Bangem), Kupe Muanenguba II (Nguti) and Kupe Muanenguba III (Tombel).

The event that took place in the presence of the SDO for Kupe Muanguba, Handerson Quetong Konge, was also the maiden visit of the recently appointed Central Commitee Committee Divisional Permanent Delegation. Addressing party adherents who converged on the Paul Biya stadium, Prof. Ngolle Ngolle underscored the importance of the Kupe Muanenguba permanent delegation which he said is made up of powerful people.

The Permanent delegation appointed by the CPDM National Chairman, Paul Biya, is not intended to take powers of the local party officials but rather to help in guiding and supporting them, he said. Prof. Ngolle Ngolle who is also member of the Central Committee and Coordinator of the CPDM Academy, emphasised the importance of working collectively in order to consolidate the party’s victories and win more supporters for the CPDM. “Toge...



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