Land Governance: Civil Society Fine-tunes Community Engagement Strategy

 Women and other locals were on Tuesday trained in Yaounde on complementing government efforts in protecting community and communal lands


Some civil society organizations have fine-tuned a National Engagement Strategy for Land Governance, empowering local women, farmers, livestock breeders, amongst other land and environment stakeholders to effectively participate in defending land rights. They brainstormed on access and management of land in the country during a workshop organized at the Norbert Nkenne Memorial Peace House Yaounde, Tuesday April 25, 2017.
According to Dr. Ndi Richard Tanto, Coordinator of the Ecumenical Service for Peace, over 80% of conflicts in Africa are caused by land struggle, reason why concerted efforts have to be put in place to curb the rising tide. He was optimistic that if all and sundry get involved in the process, land related problems will become a thing of the past, thereby leading to sustainable development.
To Unusa Karimu, Board Member of the North West Regional Branch of the Mbororo Social, Cultural and Development Association, MBOSCUDA, many people often accuse the State “but most of us are involved in land misuse.” Unusa said they are poised to empower indigenous persons and local communities in defending their lands. “When we look at them now, the p...



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