Insect Pollination: Stakeholders Evaluate Research Results

The importance of bees and other flowering insects was examined recently during a two-day conference at the University of Yaounde 1


Some State University Lecturers in collaboration with some Farmer Organisations, Non- Governmental Organisations and International Research Organisations are seeking ways of- mutualizing research results of bees and other flowering insects for their contribution on health, food security and the natural ecosystem in Cameroon. A two-day conference to this                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         effect took place at the Higher Teachers Training College of the University of Yaounde 1 on April 28, 2017. Chaired by the Rector of the University of Yaounde 1, Professor, Maurice Aurelien Sosso, the conference focused on the “Importance of Bees and other Flowering Insect’s Diversity for Development and Environmental Protection in Cameroon”.
According to the Head of Biotechnology and Bio-...



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