Elections Cameroon: New Electoral Board Members Sworn-in

The President of the Constitutional Council, Clement Atangana, presided at the taking of the oath of office event on February 18, 2025.

T wo newly-appointed members into the Electoral Board of Elections Cameroon as well as some members whose mandates were renewed by the President of the Republic on December 20, 2024 have taken their oath of office before the Constitutional Council. This was during a solemn ceremony chaired by the President of the aforementioned Council, Clement Atangana on February 18, 2025. In total, five members of the elections management institution were sworn-in at the Court in a ceremony attended by several personalities. They are Jean Bernard Mboutou Ze and Charles Nanga, newly appointed, while the three others; Christopher Tiku Tambe, Mohamadou Boubakar and Njipendi Salifou had their mandates renewed for a period of four years. That of Pierre Titi Nwel was also renewed but unfortunately died last January. The swearing-in ceremony is in accordance with Section 12(6) of the Electoral Code. Facing the National Flag, right hand up, the five members took the oath of office in the words; “I swear to fully and faithfully discharge my duties and to exercise my office without fear or favour in accordance with the Constitution and laws in force, to ensure the confidentiality of proceedings and votes, to abstain from taking public positions and to decline any consultation on matters falling within the purview of Elections Cameroon.” The President of the Constitutional Council while presiding at the event highlighted the current political context of Cameroon. Noting that the country is due to organise the Presidential election, an election which Clement Atangana said has several stakes and usually spurs tensions that threaten social peace and living together, he called on the Electoral Board members to remain impartial and work at avoiding such tensions. He urged the members to show proof of the confidence bestowed on them by the President of the Republic and ensu...


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