Cameroon’s Embassy In Seoul : Fresh Impetus In Diplomatic Relations

The January 2, 2024 Presidential decree to open a Cameroonian Embassy in South Korea further strengthens relations between the two countries.

Cameroon now has an Embassy in South Korea. The President of the Republic, Paul Biya on January 2, signed a decree to open the country’s diplomatic mission in Seoul. This action by the Head of State further intensifies diplomatic relations between the two countries that were established in August 10, 1961. Negotiations and areas of collaboration will be facilitated with the presence of a resident diplomatic post. 
The opening of Cameroon’s Embassy in Seoul can be interpreted as the icing on the cake on the bilateral relations. Recent activities between the two countries better explains the opening of the Embassy. The official visit to Cameroon of the Korean Prime Minister, Han Duck-soo and his audience with the President of the Republic, Paul Biya, on November 1, 2023 is still fresh in the minds of citizens of the two countries who are all members of the United Nations. The visiting Prime Minister is remembered to have said after the meeting with President Paul Biya that they discussed Cameroon–Korea team work projects especially in the mining sector and also invited the Head of State to the Korean-Africa summit scheduled to hold this year. The opening of Cameroon’s Embassy in Seoul will undoubtedly ease the realisation of these earmarked projects between the two friendly countries whose relations have existed for over six decades. Trade is also expected to increase from FCFA 237 billion 800 million (statistics of 2022). Simply put, Cameroon’s exportation of sawn and unfinished wood, cocoa, coffee, unfinished aluminium that is worked but not mounted or set diamonds, wooden veneer sheets, lead in raw form, articles of lead, flat rolled products, iron or non-alloy steel, to the Republic of Korea will definitely increase.  
In an interview granted Cameroon Tribune by the former Korean Ambassador, Jonghan Kim, in October 2022, he noted that in terms of the size...


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