State House School : First Lady, Pupils In Holiday Mood

This was during the traditional end-of-academic year at the “Les Coccinelles” School Complex of the Unity Palace yesterday June 13, 2024.

Performance evolution, results proclamation, award of prizes and merry-making graced the 2023-2024 end-of-academic year ceremony at the “Les Coccinelles” School Complex of the Unity Palace, yesterday June 13, 2024. The First Lady, Chantal Biya, founder and matron of the school, presided over the event at the School Complex situated within the precincts of the Presidency of the Republic. The event, which also marked the 24th anniversary of the school was attended by several members of government, dignitaries as well as parents of the pupils.
The decorative nature of the environment within “Les Coccinelles” School Complex of the Unity Palace on Thursday June 13 revealed that there was celebration in the air. Even the gloomy nature of the weather did not hinder the fête. With the arrival of the matron of the school, Mrs Chantal Biya, the feast began at about 2:00 p.m. in pageantry. At the entrance into the school premises, the First Lady was received by the Minister of Basic Education, Professor Laurent Serge Etoundi Ngoa, alongside other members of government, dignitaries and the school authorities. The singing of the National Anthem and a welcome song from the pupils kick-started the event which lasted over three-hours.
The Head Teacher of the School Complex, Guillaume Mpouenanga in a welcome address revealed that the 2023-2024 academic year was a success at "Les Coccinelles". All the pupils did well in their end-of-year examinations. The success rate for all the classes was 100 per cent with an average pass grade of at least 13 on 20. The pupils scored 87.50 per cent at the 2024 Common Entrance examination into secondary schools. While awaiting results of the First School Leaving Certificate, the Head Teacher did not doubt the brilliant performance of the pupils. Guillaume Mpouenanga acknowledged the unconditional support of the First Lady, Chantal Biya, in the daily running of the school. He noted: "The smooth functioning of the school and the brilliant performances of the pupils could not have been possible without the constant support from the UNESCO's Goodwill Ambassador for Education and Social Inclusion, Chantal Biya." Later the pup...


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