Industrialisation: Gov’t Set To Operationalise Strategic Plan

The mechanism reviewed last week seeks to make Cameroon the ‘Warehouse of the New Industrialised Africa’ by 2050

Key institutional stakeholders of the operationalization process of Cameroon’s Indistrialisation Master Plan (PDI) have brainstormed on mechanisms for the putting in place of the Reference Strategic Plan of the PDI. The stakeholders looked into the PDI during a workshop organized in Yaounde, Wednesday August 30, 2017.
While opening the working session, the Secretary of State in the Ministry of Mines, Industry, and Technological Development, Fuh Calistus Gentry called on institutional actors and others to each assume their responsibility for the reconstruction of the national industry.  He said it is urgent and imperative for them to do so in order to permit manufacturing activities to play a preponderant role in the consolidation of the economy of Cameroon.
Going by Celestin Ndonga, Administrative Director General of BASICS International; the consultancy firm which developed the PDI, the strategic plan consist of a collection of some 13 documents, amongst them a diagnostic report of the industrial sector in the country and the state of affairs in the industry.
We gathered that the PDI aims to make Cameroon the ‘Warehous...



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