69th International Human Rights Day: Emphasis On Peace, Security

 These were the core values that marked commemorative activities on December 11, 2017.

The 69th edition of the international human rights day has been celebrated in Cameroon with focus on promoting the principles of peace, security and sustainable development in the country. Organised by the National Commission on the Promotion of Human Rights and Freedoms together with partners under the theme “Human Rights Education as medium for peace, security and sustainable development”, fundamental objectives centered on enhancing the culture of human rights respect through sensitisation messages.

In an opening address from the representative of the Chairperson of the Commission, Tilder Ndichia Kumichi, the theme is a reminder of the necessity to tackle the challenges of peacekeeping in Africa, and especially in Cameroon, given the multiple threats to peaceful coexistence.

“Africa and the entire world has been witnessing an increase in violence, the kind that is not in conformity with the principles and values of the international human rights charter. Cameroon is threatened by terrorist attacks in the Far North, influx of refugees in the East and the current social tension in the North West and South West regions of the country. I strongly condemn such acts that comprise peace and appeal for all to be vigilant...



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