Gov’t Aid To Private Communication: National Commission Meets On February 20

 Below is a press release from the Minister of Communication.

The Minister of Communication hereby informs the Press Houses, professional organizations and other bodies of the private communication sector that submitted applications for government subsidy to private communication for the 2017 fiscal year that the National Commission for the scrutiny of applications for government subsidy to private communication shall meet in its 16th session on Tuesday, February 20, 2018 in the Conference Hall of the main building of the Ministry of Communication.

He reminds the opinion that in keeping with press releases of the Minister of Communication published respectively on November 22, 2017 and December 06, 2017, only the enterprises that submitted their application files between November 24 and December 19, 2017 are concerned by this session.

Moreover, it is worth noting that pursuant to Order N° 017/MINCOM of September 23, 2002 on the setting up, organization and functioning of the said commission, especially the provisions relating to the disqualification from the subsidy of organs that have been convicted of viola...



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