Information, Modalities on National Dialogue : Technical Secretariat Stationed

Necessary information on the dialogue to be held at the Yaounde Conference Centre will be provided by the clerical arm of organisers.

As a method of providing adequate information to the national and international audience, a Technical Secretariat of the Major National Dialogue has been stationed at the Yaounde Conference Centre. The secretariat under the general coordination of Minister Felix Mbayu will on a daily basis provide information and give updates on the evolution of activities during the dialogue process. With the creation of eight commissions under which different themes at the dialogue table will be discussed, the Technical Secretariat will therefore make available the necessary documentation resulting from the respective deliberations and different plenary sessions. Going by informations provided from the secretariat, they effectively started work on Sunday September 29, 2019 with the registration of participants for the national event and their subsequent installation at their accommodation hotels.

Ahead of the official opening of discussions for the major national dialogue by the Prime Minister, Head of Government, the Technical Secretariat can either be contacted by phone using any of the number (237) 222 211 339 / 222 211 311 / 222 211 427 / 222 211 326 / 222 211 394 or a visit to their installation point located at the Y...



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