Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reinsertion of Ex-Combattants : Reconciliation, Reintegration Talks On-Going

Committee members yesterday began sharing ideas on how to re-establish peace in the country while making ex-fighters useful.

Discussions at the Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reinsertion of Ex-Combattants committee began yesterday, October 1, 2019 with a brief introduction from the commission’s Chairman Professor Saibou Issa, who stressed on what is expected from the commission members. The over 50 members of the commission, alongside its vice-chairs, rapporteurs and lone resource person who is the Minister Delegate at the Presidency in charge of Defence, Joseph Beti Assomo, have to re-examine the functioning, progress and expectations of the population from the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of ex-fighters of the Boko Haram group and armed groups in the North West and South West regions of the country.
Prof. Saibou Issa said besides means to integrate ex-fighters as well as a monitoring mechanism to secure the said group, there is also need to focus on reconciling this group of people with the community. He specified that since discussions are taking place at a time when the war is still on-going in the North West and South West Regions, there is need for committee members to set up different strategies as compared to the Far North Region where the terrorists have already dropped down their arms. Prof Saibou said they have to set up strategies on how to get separatists from the forest and make them useful to themselves and the community at large.
Most of the committee members took to the floor to narrate their ordeals in the hands of the armed groups in the North West and South West Regions popularly known as the “Amba Boys”. They however said most of the boys are people they know who move around villages freely and cannot be stopped when they want to carry out their atrocities. While some commission members asked for clemency for those in the prison, others refused, starting they must pay for the crimes they have committed. While others focused on addressing the root cause of the problem, others said there was need to forget what has happened and seek peace. The Lamido of



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