CHAN 2020 : CAF Staff Supervise Limbe-Buea Site

Split into three working groups, the experts evaluated medical, lodging and sport facilities in the Division.

Inspectors from the Confederation of African Football (CAF) have inspected infrastructure in Buea and Limbe earmarked for the Total African Nations Championship (CHAN) scheduled from April 4 to 25, 2020. Divided into three working groups, one group inspected lodging facilities which included the Mountain Hotel Buea, Parliamentarian Flats Hotel Buea, Atlantic Beach Limbe and Fini International Hotel Limbe. Another group took pores of medical prowess of Buea Regional Hospital Annex and Limbe Regional Hospital. The last group focused on sports infrastructure notably the Molyko Omnisports Stadium, Centenary Stadium Limbe, Middle Farms Stadium, Limbe Omnisports Stadium Annex (all training grounds) and the Limbe Omnisport Stadium.
At the hospitals, they checked the structures, medical equipment, ambulances and the staff put in place among others. Dressing rooms, gymnasium, rest rooms, offices, playgrounds, lighting and sound systems, and parking lodges are some of the things that were looked into in sports infrastructure. Then in leisure and hospitality sector, they verified the rooms, beds, toilets, customer s...



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