North West : Traditional Leaders Receive Anti Covid-19 Presidential Assistance Kits

North West governor, stresses covid-19 free resumption of schools on June 1, 2020.

The seven traditional and Moslem leaders of the Bamenda City council area on May 26,2020 took home President Paul Biya's special assistance Kits to help fight the killer coronavirus pandemic. The event at the premises of the North West governor's office featured the distribution of cartons of soap, buckets, face masks, disinfection cans etc. Delivering the Kits, governor Adolphe Lele Lafrique, challenged the traditional leaders to step up sensitization against the pandemic which is now threatening even rural communities. Away from the custodians of traditions, the presidential assistance was equally served to the Regional Delegate of secondary education to help matters ahead of the resump- tion of schools for examination classes on June 1,2020. It was a moment for the governor to prescribe strict barrier mea- sures to ensure the resumption of schools without the covid-19. COVID-19 free schools was the message when he urged school administrators to disinfect their institutions, ensure that water is available all round and the need for pupils and students to possess more face masks. More presidential assistance gadgets for health workers was delivered to the Regional Delegate o...



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