CHAN Preparations : Fresh Directives To Boost Hygiene, Sanitation

They were given by the Governor of the Centre region, Nasseri Paul Bea during an evaluation meeting with stakeholders yesterday January 05, 2021.

Barely ten days to the start of the African Nations Championship (CHAN) to be hosted by Cameroon from January 16 to February 7, 2021, the Governor of the Centre region, Nasseri Paul Bea is worried about the current hygienic situation of the region. Reason why he convened an emergency evaluation meeting on January 05, 2021 at his office with stakeholders to give directives on how to reverse this trend. The meeting was attended by Divisional Officers, Mayors and Regional Delegates of some concerned Ministries. 
After raising an alert on the state of affairs, Governor Nasseri Paul Bea said it was time for everybody to go down to work. “We are putting a lot of emphasis on the cleaning up of all the areas where the competition is going to take place and all lodging facilities,” the Governor stated. It was in this light that he underscored that HYSACAM has a lot to do not only in the transportation of garbage but also in the setting up of garbage bags in major areas especially in the fan zone. He opined that if this is done, cleanliness would be ensured before, during and after the competition. 
The Governor equally urged Mayors and the City Mayor to clean up grass around main areas and to improve on lighting and decoration. He told the Centre Regional Delegate of Communication to beef up the sensitisation proce...



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