Bilingualism, Multiculturalism : Commission Outlines 2021 Action Plan

This was during the first bi-annual session of the National Commission for the Promotion of Bilingualism and Multiculturalism chaired by its President on January 21, 2021.

Members of the National Commission for the Promotion of Bilingualism and Multiculturalism (NCPBM) meeting in their first bi-annual session for the year have outlined priority areas of action throughout the national territory for 2021. The January 21, 2021 session was chaired by its President, Peter Mafany Musonge and focused mainly on two aspects which included the examination and validation of the Commission’s budget for the 2021 financial year; and the examination of the institution’s personnel file.  The Commission’s budget for 2021 stands at FCFA 2 billion 980 million of which FCFA 2 billion 380 million is the running budget and FCFA 600 million is the investment budget. 
In his introductory statement, Peter Mafany Musonge said the Commission will in the course of the year channel resources at promoting bilingualism and multiculturalism nationwide as well as preaching the virtues of peaceful social cohesion. “The State has graciously given us the means to realise programmes within our budget. Our budget obviously covers the programmes that we want to execute. There is the programme of promoting bilingualism throughout the territory, enhancing multiculturalism and living together, and the strengthening governance and institutional support,” he stated, adding that they will ensure that every one of those programmes is executed, reason a plan of action to that effect has been outlined. Fighting hate speech and seeing to the implementation of regional offices are other programmes according to the President of the Commission that will be realized in the budget. 
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