Sports Facilities, Equipment : Management, Maintenance Assured
- By Eulalia AMABO
- 19 août 2022 12:16

A Presidential decree of August 17, 2022 creates a Board that will be responsible for the upkeep and the repair of sports structures in the country.
In line with government’s development policy, the President of the Republic on August 17, 2022 signed a decree creating the Nationals Sports Facilities and Equipment Board which will manage sports infrastructure in the country. Going by the decree, the Board shall be responsible for ensuring the upkeep, repair, operation, safety, development and sustainability od sports facilities and equipment, as well as related facilities built or developed by the State. Placed under the supervisory authority of the Ministry of the Sports and Physical Education, and headquartered in Yaounde, the Board shall have the duty of preparing an integrated management plan for sports facilities, their annexes and equipment. The sports facilities and equipment referred to in the decree include stadiums and their annexes, sports complexes, as well as moveable and immovable sports apparatus. That said, the Board will be responsible for the maintenance of the over thirty stadiums in the country, especially those that were constructed or rehabilitated within the context of the 2021 TotalEnergies Africa Cup of Nations, the Yaounde Multipurpose Sports Complex, and proposing specific infrastructure development and promotion services. Article 4(3) of the decree however states that community and leisure sports facilities and equipment built or developed by the State and whose management is transferred to regional and local authorities, in accordance with the laws and regulations in force, shall not fall within the sphere of competence of the Board.
For better performance, the Board shall be composed of five specialised structures which include the Contracts and Partnership Unit, Operations and Marketing Unit, Intervention Brigade, Complex or Stadium Managers, and the General Affairs Service. Amongst other things, the specialised structures shall ensure...
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