Crises Zones : Accelerating Reconstruction

There exist plans for the reconstruction and development of the affected North West, South West and Far North Regions.

In the coming days, acceleration will be expected in the reconstruction of the North West and South West Regions affected by the socio-political and insecurity crises perpetuated by armed separatist fighters and the Far North Region affected by the terrorist sect Boko Haram insurgencies.
The Prime Minister, Head of Government Joseph Dion Ngute who is supervisor of the respective plans therein injected new blood in the orders he signed on November 4, 2022. As per the order, henceforth, Tamanjong Motuba Obase is the new National Coordinator of the Presidential Plan for the Reconstruction and Development of the North West and South West Regions. On the other hand, Alhadji Magra Massaou is the new National Coordinator of the Special Plan for the Reconstruction and Development of the Far North Region to be assisted by Madjadoumbaye Jérémie.
The Presidential Plan for the Reconstruction and Development of the North West and South West Regions aims at realising projects in the two regions with focus on three priority areas. The areas are restoring social cohesion, reconstruction of basic infrastructure and revitalising the local economy. Government’s implementing partner is the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The first coordination team appointed on April 3, 2020 with Minister Paul Tasong as Coordinator had been doing some work on the field to ensure the implementation of the plan which is a component of the National Development Strategy (NDS) prepared for the 10-year period that spans through 2020-2030. The cost of implementing the project for the first two years was estimated at FCFA 89, 682,938,100. In the social cohesion domains, palpable results have started to be registered on the field in terms of reconstitution of lost documents, training insider mediators and influencers of peace, organisation of socio-cultural events, reconstruction/equipment of women multipurpose centres. Concerning ba...



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