Motor bike Accidents: Alarming Statistics In Centre Region

Figures indicate that more than 15 cases are registered each week in Yaounde and its environs.

Statistics on bike accidents in the country are alarming and the situation is worsening in the Centre Region, says the Commanding Officer for the Centre Regional Group of Highway Traffic, Police Commissioner, Adamou Baba. He says on average, at least someone dies in the Centre Region each day from motorbike accident. He further reveals that in a week, over 20 cases of fatal motorbike accidents are registered with at least 15 people dead.
Nationwide, there seems to be no day that a fatal motorbike accident is not reported. If it is not the motorbike rider killing other road users, it is either the bike rider dying or passengers. Police Commissioner Baba says each day, mostly between 5:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m, his service is informed of a fatal bike accident that has claimed the life of the bike rider or passengers. The most recent of such was on Monday February 13, 2016 at the Brassieres neighbourhood in Yaounde, when a bike rider was killed in an accident leaving the front of the motorbike beyond repairs.
Police Commissioner Adamou Baba says the situation seems to degenerate leaving the life of the most careful road users at risk. The Centre Regional Group of Highway Traffic is jammed packed with over 500 motorbikes, some of them beyond repairs. The Police Officer explains that these are motorbikes that were involved in fatal accidents. While some of their owners are in prison for using an insured motorbike and also for not having drivers licence, the police source says others are dead or have decided to abandon the motorbikes due to their deplorable state.
Adamou Baba says in spite of countless sensitisation on road accidents, such campaigns seem to have fallen on deaf ears especially as the sector of motorbike riders is dominated by vandals who most at times take drugs such as marijuana or Tramol tablets before hitting the road. After taking drugs, these motorbike riders according to Adamou Baba, become reckless on roads, leading to deadly accidents. It was also revealed that the majority of motorbike riders are ignorant of the Highway Code and are not disciplined. Instead of driving on the right side of the road, most motorbike riders drive in the opposite direction and do dangerous overtaking leading to ghastly crashes. Senior Police Officer Adamou Baba says it is time for motorbike riders to consider their ways.

 Le commissaire de police Adamou Baba: « 90% de motos ne sont pas assurées »

Commandant de Groupement régional de la voie publique du Centre

Quelles sont les causes de la recrudescence des accidents de la circulation liés aux motos-taxis dans la région du Centre ?
Les causes les plus récurrentes sont notamment l’ignorance du code de la route, l’excès de vitesse, la surcharge, les dépassements fantaisistes, la circulation en sens interdit, le non-respect des signaux des feux de signalisation, le refus de priorité à d’autres usagers et la conduite en état d’ébriété. A cela, s’ajoutent d’autres facteurs comme la non-maîtrise de l’engin. Parmi ces conducteurs, certains viennent des villages et ne disposent d’aucune notion en conduite de la moto C’est ainsi qu’on les voit dans les embouteillages se faufiler entre les véhicules au mépris des vies qu’ils transportent derrière leurs engins. Ils vont même jusqu’à changer de direction sans signaler. Ceci sans précaution ni attention. Il y a aussi le fait que certains chauffeurs consomment des stupéfiants, comme le Tramol pour avoir plus d’énergie et travailler sans se fatiguer durant une longue période. Le non...



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