North West: Bamenda Population Happy With C2D Projects

Bamenda (Mezam) - Some 11 neigbourhoods in the City of Bamenda have benefited some important projects executed in their various communities by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development and the City Council thanks to the Debt Reduction and Development Contract (C2D). This was revealed by the North West Local Coordinator of C2D programme, Dr Njeta Bertrand, on June 28, 2023 after a visit to the various project sites in Bamenda. He said “we have executed several projects already particularly basic urban facilities which include toilets in primary schools, considering that some schools were not actually having good sanitary systems". Apart from toilets, while in Bamenda I, the team visited a pedestrian foot bridge linking Alaating and Ayaba quarters, Public light spots installed at the Pork Meat Junction and in the Moyo corner or betterstill Akwena I in Bamendankwe. In Bamenda II, the visiting team went to G. S Old Town where a toilet was constructed, a bridge at Ntarinkon Opposite Oscar Shop to Matgenie and Ntamulung where public lights are equally installed. The inspection team was also in Bamenda III, where the inhabitants celebrated the construction of a toilet and a playground at G. S Nibung in Mile 4 Nkwen which now acts as a center of attraction to youths and their parents who go there for regular exercises and football matches. The inhabitants of Foncha Street Ntaghem equally celebrated a foot bridge which has come to ease movement, especially for children who use the various bridges as safer means to school. The Local coordinator Dr Njeta Bertrand said the whole idea is to ensure that the population has basic urban facilities mostly used by children and the population at large on daily bases. Adding that the playgrounds are already being used for other tournaments. He said they have placed gabbage cans along roads and markets in the city of Bamenda to ease waste disposal and management. He however revealed that there are still ong...



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