Official Exams Registration : NW Regional Assembly Aids 761 Students

The assistance amounting to FCFA 20, 639, 500 was handed to Divisional Delegates of Secondary Education at the Regional Assembly on February 18, 2024.

The North West Regional Assembly within the framework of its second edition  to aid vulnerable and needy students  register their terminal official examination on the technical, grammar and commercial sectors has handed over the sum of FCFA 20, 639, 500  to enable 761 students register  this year 2024.
The money was handed to the seven Divisional Delegates of Secondary Education in the North West Region on February 18, 2024. In the first edition of the operation in 2023, some 805 vulnerable and poor students were assisted.  Speaking while chairing the ceremony, the President of the North West Regional Assembly Professor Fru Angwafo III said, “This is an important exercise because if students study and they do not do their terminal examinations, they have not finished their programme. They will not be able to continue education or even go to work because they need these terminal certificates.”  The Regional Assembly has embarked on the assistance exercise with the conviction that, “If our indices of human development are good, physical development will follow because we have quality human capital,” Professor Fru Angwafo III explained.
In response to the kind gesture by the Regional Assembly, the North West Regional Delegate of Secondary Education, Baijong Ezekiel Ndifon thanked the Regional Assembly. He also used the occasion to thank the Head of State President Paul Biya for the decentralization process that is yielding much fruits with the prompt assistance to the vulnerable and needy 2024 potential official certificates examinations candidates as a vivid example.  He said, “The vulnerable...



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