Cameroon-FAO : Combating Food Security Together

The working visit to Cameroon by the Director-General of the UN agency serves as a platform of engaging strategies in improving agricultural, agro-pastoral and food-related sectors.

Strengthening and developing national capacities in the agricultural, agro-pastoral and forestry sectors, as a means of guaranteeing food security remains the pivotal point of collaboration between Cameroon and the Food and Agricultural Organisation.  Cameroon has been a member of FAO since 1960, and over the decades, cooperation between the two have been geared at sustainable development in terms of food security. The United Nations agency is providing technical assistance to Cameroon through a variety of projects, including; technical cooperation projects, regional projects covering several countries in Central Africa, projects financed from trust funds, and TELEFOOD projects. In Cameroon, the programme of FAO is primarily designed to support the government's efforts in the development of SMEs in the agricultural, agro-food and rural sectors, support emergency situations to combat calamities threatening food security and assistance in maintaining national capacities engaged in the fight against food insecurity.
FAO has funded several projects and programmes in Cameroon, within the context of the institution’s operational framework which is supported by the Country Programming Framework (CPF) for the period 2022-2026. For example, several technical cooperation programmes, which very often have an implementation duration of between 18 and 24 months, were carried out in Cameroon between 2019 and 2023. After the closure of some of them, three projects under implementation appear to be having a great impact. These projects are; the support for the improvement of traditional poultry farming in the Far North Region, the project to support the intensification of market gardening production in the peri-urban areas of Douala and Buea, and technical support as well as assistance for t...



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