Adventist Church : Dispensary Workers Receive Labour Medals

This was during a ceremony last Thursday May 9, 2024 at the Mbam Sanaga Federation Church premises in Yaounde.

The Divisional Officer of the Yaounde I Subdivision, Harouna Nyandji Mgbatou has encouraged health workers at the “Vie et santé” Adventist Dispensary on the premises of the Mbam-Sanaga Federation of the Adventist Church to fully apply the Hippocratic oath as they continue in their mission to take care of sick people in society. He was speaking last Thursday May 9th, 2024 in Yaounde during a medal award ceremony as part of the Labour Day commemoration within the institution. The ceremony honoured some 10 workers at the “Vie et santé” Adventist Dispensary with labour medals while others received certificates of recognition for their services to society.
During the ceremony, Harouna Nyandji Mgbatou said “Without health, we cannot teach; without health, we cannot sell, without health we cannot preach, without health we cannot produce, and without health we cannot operate as administrators.” This is why he used the occasion to salute and recognise without hesitation the value of the knights of health conferred on workers at the Mbam Sanaga Federation of the Adventist Church.
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